Jesus on the Streets of Attleboro - November 12, 2022

Here is an update from our team from Evangelical Covenant Church, Attleboro who served in Attleboro on Saturday.

It was a surprisingly sunny and warm day to serve our friends in Attleboro, this month. The soup kitchen was not providing a meal today, because of the church fair nearby. Consequently, we only saw about 30-35 of our friends, but it was still a great day to serve. We were blessed to have 8 of our ECC Youth and 3 of our Youth Leaders out serving with us, as part of their HAW (Homeless Awareness Weekend) event. They spent 2 days outside on the roads raising money, sorting clothes, and then happily serving with us. Praise God for the hearts and kindness of these kids and leaders.

  • Russell approached us asking to donate some clothes. We found out they are from his wife, who passed away suddenly 5 weeks ago. We prayed for Russell, and ask for continued prayers for him. We’ve served him over the years, and now he’s thinking of others in his time of despair.

  • We also prayed with Bob, and he asks for continued prayers that he will be placed into a detox program, and ultimately it will lead to him getting housing again. In the meantime, he is living outside in a tent.

  • Continued prayers for Richard and his long recovery from the after-effects of stroke.

  • Prayers are needed for Lloyd, Cindy, and others who may be living under a bridge in a tent encampment.

  • Prayers for Eric and Carrie who are living at a new location in their tent. They were not home when we found their new site, but they need lots of prayer for their health and recovery.

Thanks to all who contribute to this ministry, in the form of prayer, baked goods, clothing/goods donations, funds, time, serving, and in every way. God Bless you.