Jesus on the Streets - November 13, 2022
Here’s an update from our team who served on Sunday in Brockton while we were away.
We faced a classic New England raw day, rainy and cold. We served fewer friends today, approximately 50, many of whom requested extra meals for their friends and family.
It was a day to stay in place if you had a warm place to sleep. The mood was somber and subdued with an undercurrent of anxiety. We were reminded of so many who need a warm and safe shelter. Those living outside are facing falling temperatures as late fall arrives and winter coming. Even for our friends with rooms and apartments, inflation is pushing up rents and, like all of us, they are facing increasing heating and electrical costs. It also looked like the park next to Pastor Roberto’s Church had been cleaned out, which could have added to the melancholy.
We were happy to see Bruins John, who has been busy with a second part-time job. His rent doubled and he needs to work hard to keep his room.
Harry and his wife are living in their car while they wait for housing.
Prayers are requested for Linda’s friend, Mary, who injured her neck falling out of bed.
We had good visit with Anthony who requested prayers for seizures. We are thankful for the time we spent with him.
Hosea is concerned about family troubles and his health.
Tony is also concerned about his health.
We prayed with Sammy for his physical and mental healing.
Kevin is looking for a steady job and looking for a suit.
Sheryl is worried that her apartment is haunted. She wants to feel safe in her home and is struggling with health issues.
Andrea is hoping to find a safe place to live before winter hits.
We had a great team today. Tom, Angela, Alicia, Aubrey, Patrick, Dave and Joanne brought smiles and good cheer to our extended conversations with our friends. These are the moments when we give and receive God’s grace. Lord, we thank you for the love and support that allowed us to serve today.