Jesus on the Streets (on a warm day) - October 16, 2021

It was a warm day in Brockton (last day for shorts?) as we served 79 meals of beef stew (thanks to The Fellowship church) across 4 locations. (First day of a double header weekend.) We actually served far more people than that (closer to 100) but not all wanted meals. Many needed clothes and toiletries, blankets and sleeping bags. (We’re not giving out tents until after the elections in Nov because the city will destroy them to keep the place looking “tidy”.)

We had a number of new people with us and we were joined by Pastor Matt who was checking out our ministry for his church.

Patrick is mourning his father’s death from cancer (I mentioned he was in the hospital last week). Jim, Charlie, and Sharon are still living in their car. Stu is excited to have a job and is excited to be going to church and starting to understand who Jesus is. Steve is trying to care for Ashley who is still struggling with opioid addiction. Anthony has had 2 seizures this week but is pleased that he’s been sober for 3 months. Jenny got in an argument and was kicked out of her apartment and is back on the streets (she’s been roughed up pretty bad).

Thank you to all our supporters!