Jesus on the Streets of Brockton - September 11, 2022
Here’s a report from the team that served in Brockton on Sunday.
After 21 years, September 11 still feels different than other days. It is a reminder that the world is full of tragedy and our lives on earth are precious and fleeting but even more so it is a day to celebrate the goodness of God who never leaves us, and the resiliency of people. Today we served in memory of Deb and Jeep’s friend, Mike, who died in the North Tower, and to give glory to God, the One who brings Hope out of tragedy.
One of our guests, still battling addiction and chronic illness talked with us about how even though her life is difficult in many ways, she still has hope. She tries to approach each day looking at the bright side of things, being thankful for the small things like medicine that keeps her alive and a plate of good food. She said she prays every day and God helps her take baby steps in the right direction.
We are always humbled by the opportunity to bring the love and hope of Jesus to our friends on the streets of Brockton. Today we served 105 delicious meals giving away every morsel of food we had. We served an additional 10 or more who only wanted fruit, drinks or a snack.
Several friends asked us to pray for general prayers while Cora asked for help getting clean, Ashley asked for a place in a good detox program, Will asked for health for himself and his family, Tony also asked us to pray for his family. Newton requested our prayers that he might get housing. We also ask for prayers for Désirée whose mom just passed away after an Illness. We are thankful for all those who are giving her support at this time of mourning.
We are so thankful for your support for LYNN Ministries.