Jesus on the Streets of Brockton (on a wet day) - January 2, 2022
It was a double header weekend and we were in Brockton today where we served 80 meals (in the rain). Brockton was pretty busy today and the feeling was a combination of depression and desperation so we appreciate the help from Church of Emmanuel and South Shore Community Church.
Carlos is asking for prayer for his daughter and sister. Denita’s was thrown her out of her mother’s house and she has no idea how to live outdoors. (At least her 12 yo daughter is still inside.) Robert is shaving his beard and applying for a job at Stop & Shop this week. Will is having dental surgery to implant 2 front teeth tomorrow and is looking forward to eating an apple. Doug is hoping for a construction job. Jean and Katrina are hoping for a new apartment and he was super excited to get new boots. Janet was hoping to talk to her sister today but couldn’t connect. Anthony will be 6 mos sober in 2 days. Ashley is really scared that her eye is infected and she’s going to lose her sight but she’s so dependent on drugs that she can’t make it into a Boston hospital without serious detoxing. Bobby is still living under a bridge.
Our friends on the street are missing family and the let down after Christmas and New Years Day. Nothing seems to have changed for them, leaving them struggling for hope. We thank you for your support, which allows us to continue to love the invisible among us.