Jesus on the Streets - March 5, 2023

It was a cold and busy day in Brockton where we served 82 meals of Moo Goo Gai Pan along with home baked goods and fresh fruit. We had a great team from Waters Church join us handing out gift bags. They were a huge blessing to us!

A few of our friends have been getting unruly recently so we’ve been forced to remind them about the need for mutual respect and preserving dignity. The group at the Library are going to help us get the word out but we still have more to do at other locations.

Today there were a lot of prayer requests:

  • John is praying for strength to take more responsibility for his circumstances.

  • Edmilson (really nice new guy) is hoping to find permanent shelter.

  • Emily prays for safety.

  • Linda told us that her grandson Anthony had a seizure and got pretty banged up.

  • Jacquelin is waiting for money to get an apartment.

  • Zachary is trying to get into recovery.

  • Sal is heartbroken since his partner Mike died a few months ago.

  • Wayne has had 2 friends die recently (Mike - cancer, Chris - liver disease).

  • Elizabeth is praying for her 2 year old son and is struggling with a hurting heart. (I fear what she may feel she must do to survive on the streets.)

  • Mark is trying to help others.

  • Cici, Erica, and Eddie are living under a bridge.

  • Napoleon thanked us for trying to get the Library crew under control.

It was a really hectic day and it makes us a bit mad that we need to remind our friends about our rules but it happens every few years. We thank all of our friends and supporters for the opportunity you give us to serve in Brockton and Attleboro. (Sorry we failed to get a group picture.)