Jesus on the Streets (in the sunshine) - June 13, 2021

What a beautiful day to be serving in Brockton on a balmy 80 deg day! We served 82 meals of chicken cacciatore across 5 locations today.

Prayers for: Mike-in-the-woods who is looking and sounding better each week. Cabul who is praying for better health. Congratulations to Tony & Tracy who got engaged. Rodney who is hoping for more time with his family. Eric is waiting to get a PT1 form from the state, which helps him get to doctor appointments. Mary has health issues. Robert is exhausted and has no energy. Robert A who’s been waiting for housing for 4 years. And happy for Danny who has been sober for 5 years but now needs to get his driver’s license updated.

We forgot to get a group picture (sorry)! Thank you for supporting us through prayer and contributions of time, talent, and treasure.

John Snow