Jesus on the Streets (in the humidity) - August 8, 2021

Today was hot and humid in Brockton where we served 77 people across two locations. At first we were overwhelmed with people, which made it difficult to engage in prayer. (Lesson learned. Next time we need to slow the food line down because investing time talking with our friends is the point of our being there.)

Some of the prayer requests include: John who hopes to learn if he’s getting housing on Aug 10. Devon who is asking to feel love on the streets (instead of the abuse he’s been suffering). Vincent has finally been approved for a green card (yay!!!) and provides his biometrics (fingerprints) on Aug 26. Michael isn’t doing well and needs more healing on his feet. Bobby seems to be struggling with all the death he’s seen on the streets. John needs back surgery but his heart can’t take the stress. Pastor Roberto needs prayer because so many homeless have been leaning on him for spiritual support amidst the past 18 months of COVID and this summer’s turmoil.

We are so thankful for the opportunity you all provide us to serve those in need!