Jesus on the Streets (in Attleboro) - June 10, 2023

Here is an update from the LYNN Ministries team from Evangelical Covenant Church, Attleboro who served in Attleboro today.

Today was a humid day with a few showers at times but everyone seemed to be in good spirits. We saw about 40 people between our 4 stops.

At our first stop, Richard asked for prayer for his health. He has good days and bad days but still deals with the affects of his stroke years ago. Linda is having issues with getting her diabetes under control. Cindy has a place to stay for now but might have a new apartment if she continues to work on her sobriety. Bob continues to attend AA and working on housing possibilities. Dino (Jack) is dealing with the affects of his stroke just a few years ago. Willie is struggling with his health.

At our second stop we took a short walk into the woods where a few people are living. George Sr., George Jr. and Debbie are in need of housing. Debbie is struggling with a hernia that causes difficulty keeping foods down.

Our third stop was Erik and Carrie. They are also living in a wooded area and are still waiting for housing. Erik continues to look for a job. Both are working on sobriety. Carrie is hoping she can reconcile with her mom and brothers and reconnect with her 2 daughters.

Our final stop was Ms. LeBlanc’s she is excited to meet her great great great granddaughter!

Thank you all so much for helping make a difference in Attleboro!