Jesus on the Streets - April 14, 2024

Here’s a write-up from Sunday’s team from LYNN Ministries who served 107 meals on the streets of Brockton. Thank you to members of Evangelical Covenant Church, Attleboro, Church of Emmanuel, Waters Church, South Shore Community Church, St. Mary's Foxboro who helped serve the least of these.

Busy, Busy, Busy!!!

We started out in a glorious display of blue skies and sunshine. Our friends on the streets of Brockton came in droves; many were visibly uplifted by the beautiful weather. Several people asked simply for prayers of gratitude to God.

We served 107 meals of cheesy beefy baked taco casserole using every tray we had. Every time we packed up to move onto the next stop several more people came looking for a meal. How easy it would be to just keep packing up and move on but each time we were so thankful to serve one more person. At our last stop we were about to pull out of the library parking lot when one more person came. We thought we had no more trays but then found one more. Days like today feel like feeding a huge crowd with 2 fish and 5 loaves. God always seems to give us what we need.

We prayed with a lot of people. Two beautiful women from Haiti were filled with joy. Through a translator they asked us to thank God. Though they did not understand the words we spoke they knew we were praying on their behalf and were so thankful. Johnny asked that his pain may ease and that he can return to his apt after recent flood damage. Sal always offers prayers of praise. Domingo also asked us to pray about his pain. E and R asked for prayers for health and to be freed from the awful chains of addition. We were impressed by their deep desire to leave the world of drug abuse behind.

As the day progressed the clouds came and the sky went grey and cold again and people cradled their cups of coffee and cocoa and were thankful for the warmth of the food and our presence.

We don’t serve in order to hear our friends say, “Thank You” but most do. It warms our hearts knowing the folks we serve feel seen, heard and cared for. They know in whose name we serve.

Thank you to the team and to all who make this ministry possible!