Jesus on the Streets (in Attleboro) - April 13, 2024

Here’s the Saturday update from the LYNN Ministries team at Evangelical Covenant Church, Attleboro who served those in need in Attleboro.

It was a beautiful day to serve the Lord, despite dodging a few raindrops. As spring comes, we typcaiily see more people to serve, and today we were able to serve 40-45 folks with home-made baked goods, fruit, snacks, clothing, toiletries, encouragement and prayer. We made 4 stops in Attleboro, including 2 stops in the woods to visit our friends living outside. There are more folks living outside, as the need for affordable housing is real, and many of our folks have been waiting for months. We know of at least 12-15 that are living outside at the moment. We pray that the new homeless shelter under construction, will help some of them. Following are some prayer requests for our friends.

We saw our friend Bob for the first time in a few months. Please pray for strength for Bob that the next time he enters a program for sobriety, it will hold for him. He has been trying for a long time, and is back living outside. We have bits of good news for Eric and Carrie, as Eric has been able to get some work doing landscaping and stone work. He is also getting some therapy and support, which he has needed for some time. He's really trying to make some strides in the right directions. Linda fell and injured her shoulder and arm. She has been having some difficulties getting her regular medications from her doctor. Please pray for Star, who has also fallen a few times this month, and is struggling with health problems. We came across a new couple in the tent village, Mike and Jessica, who have only been outside for a month. They are struggling with this new turn of events in their lives, but have made a great home of their tent area, with flowers, and decoration. Please pray for a new job for Mike. We also met Paul, who has been across the country, and recently back into the tent village. He's been working off and on, but is looking for more regular work, and healing for a neck injury. Prayers of thanks and continued success to Sandy, who was living outside 2 months ago. She's now in a shelter in Taunton, and has a job, praise the Lord! Continued prayers needed for Robert as he's also been transitioning to a new life of living outside.

We appreciate all the people who work behind the scenes to make this ministry work in Attleboro. We have many who donate clothes, food gift cards, funding, baked goods, and give their time. Thanks for them and their dedication. Please continue to pray for the ministry as a whole, as we try to serve the Lord, and his people.