Jesus Making Thanksgiving Dinner - November 19, 2021
Can’t say “thank you” enough to all the hard workers, seen and unseen, who helped put together the LYNN Ministries Thanksgiving meal and Christmas gifts. Thanks to Church of Emmanuel for the gift of using the church kitchen and facilities, and for the constant gifts of prayer and encouragement. Thanks to The Fellowship and Bethany Church volunteers for cooking all the food and helping prep last night; to Lynda S and her group’s donations of gifting supplies; thanks to Donna P and the “angels” for stuffing water bottles into socks and for the hours of organizing all the Christmas gift supplies; thanks to all the bakers and servers! Your dedication to all the behind the scenes work that makes our life easier and way more fun is deeply, deeply appreciated. We are forever grateful and humbled by your service, your friendship and dedication to this ministry. Blessings to you all for a happy and healthy Thanksgiving !