Jesus on the Streets of Attleboro - January 14, 2023

Here is an update from our ministry team at Evangelical Covenant Church, Attleboro that served in Attleboro on Saturday. This marks the 1-year anniversary of LYNN Ministries returning to the streets of Attleboro (post-COVID) and we are so thankful for our partnership with ECC!

It was a cold, raw day with some rain, sleet, and snow mixing in, but it was still a great day to be out serving our friends in Attleboro. We saw about 35 folks at 4 locations, giving out prayer, baked goods, hot drinks, snacks, clothing, blankets, hats, gloves, and a tent. There was a bit of anxiety setting in, as some folks are living outside, and worried about surviving. Others are worried about their friends, who are outside, and for those who have been re-located to temporary housing in Middleboro.

  • Veronica would like prayer as she has been able to get a job at a supermarket, but has transportation problems to get there.

  • Marie was very upset about losing her mom down in Florida, and being estranged from her sister.

  • Eric and Carrie thought they had temporary housing twice in the last month, but they remain living outside, and cold. We were able to give them extra blankets and a tent to replace the one we gave them a few months ago, as the door was broken. Please pray for them to get inside, as the nights are now getting even colder.

The team from ECC is blessed to have more and more folks asking to volunteer, and we continue to grow. Tomorrow, we welcome Deb and Jeep to ECC to celebrate our one year anniversary of ECC serving with LYNN Ministries in Attleboro (it has actually been our 14th month out). A lot has happened in this year plus, including the sudden loss of our dear friend Ronda LaBarba, but God has blessed us with a lot of moments to serve him joyfully. Thank you to all who serve this ministry in any way you can, we feel your prayers and love!