Brockton - May 19, 2024

Here’s an update from the LYNN Ministries team at The Fellowship in Easton, that served in Brockton on Sunday. They had a particularly small team and so were not able to take any pictures.

On what was a rather damp, raw afternoon, our team spent several hours engaging with our friends, hearing life stories, praying over needs, and reminding one another of God's presence, even in the toughest circumstances. We provided a hearty meal to 119 friends, many of whom we've not seen of late. We had the privilege of praying with Chris and Rochelle. Rochelle wanted to take time to thank God for answered prayers for her son. Chris shared his doubts about who God is and how God relates to us. We had an opportunity to ask God to reveal himself to Chris and answer Chris's sincere questions. We also prayed with a young woman, Nellie, who had a child born three weeks ago. The baby remains in the hospital while Nellie and her boyfriend Dwayne are living in a tent. It's hard to hear stories like this and see people in such difficult situations. Please pray for that precious little baby, and for Dwayne and Nellie.

The needs on the street are great, but no need is greater than the need to know, surrender to, and trust Jesus. Join us in committing to loving people well and praying relentlessly for the light of Christ to penetrate the darkest corners of Brockton.