Jesus on the Streets (on a beautiful day) - May 1, 2022

It was a beautiful, warm day in Brockton serving 93 friends a meal of Thai peanut chicken casserole. It was an amazing day full of prayer and blessings from God!

Deb led Jimmy in a prayer to accept Christ as his personal savior. Vincent received his green card (after a 3 year delay). Chinxxx asked for prayer to stop feeding the negative wolf in his mind. Anthony is asking for more prayer for his family situation. Tony and Lynn are asking for a closer walk with the Lord. Ann (age 75) is hoping to move back to Norton. Tony has a Dr appointment for his hip tomorrow. Donna is asking for prayers for her trip on Amtrak. Charlie is going to be a grandfather again (number 8!). Sammy hurt his back at work. There was a lot of drug use in the park, which was incredibly depressing, but otherwise it was a wonderful day.

Thank you to all our followers, supporters, and prayer warriors that make this ministry possible.