Jesus on the Streets - October 22, 2023

Deb and I were blessed to have the team from The Fellowship serving for LYNN Ministries in Brockton on Sunday where they served 125 meals. Here is their report.

On Sunday our team arrived in the city shortly after 12:00, we noticed a significant group of people in the area waiting for our arrival. As we began to interact, some pressing needs were asked of us, i.e. do you have blankets, sweatshirts, tents, socks, jeans. Our response mirrored that of Peter and John in Acts 3 when asked for money from a crippled man at the temple gate. “We don’t have those items, but we’ll give what we do have.” Thereafter an afternoon of sharing the Gospel, praying, talking and listening transpired.

- We prayed with Angelina who almost died from a drug overdose two weeks ago, letting her know that Jesus loves and cares for her more than she will ever know.

- Then there was Chris and his despair over his situation that he is stuck in, blaming the church for not living up to its calling. We spent some time listening and focusing on Jesus, telling him that Jesus said I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. We let him know that Jesus sent his servants to minister to him in his need.

There were so many others that we spoke with on Sunday, we realize that it’s hard living on the streets, especially with all the negative media attention of late. For our part we’re not in the city to support and encourage a bad situation, we are in the city, serving a hot meal, snacks, a cup of coffee, or cup of cold water because it brings Jesus to people who otherwise would not listen to the good news of Christ, and the forgiveness and change he brings to whosoever will may come.

Thank you to all those who help our teams serve on the streets of Brockton.