Jesus on the Streets (in the heat) - June 27, 2021
It was a hot day serving in Brockton on Sunday and Deb and I couldn’t be there but the team served about 80 people. The meal was chicken fajitas and it was a big hit so there was a steady stream of people. Pastor Roberto's was so busy they ran out of food to share at the park, so they bought a bucket of chicken and fries for our friends.
Chioma made a get well poster for me and got all our friends to sign it! Sadly we learned our friend Danny, who had been struggling ever since his arm was amputated last year, lost his battle with addiction. Matthew appreciated being heard and followed the team all day to try to be helpful. Angel’s sister welcomed him back into her house but John had to leave his cousin's home and slept under a bridge Saturday night. At Pastor Roberto's, Dave offered all the women priority at the serving table, and the other guys were gentlemen, allowing the women to cut in line.
There was a lot of good conversation and prayer and we really appreciate the team serving in our absence!