Jesus on the Streets (3rd Saturday) - October 15, 2022

What a difference a week makes! It was a beautiful day in Brockton with warm air, clear skies and sunny dispositions. It was the 3rd Saturday and we served 71 meals (taco casserole) across 4 locations along with clothes, toiletries, backpacks, and other essentials. There was almost zero drama, just happy service and heartfelt prayer (so nice after last week’s full moon craziness).

- Greg is happy that he finally made it to the top of the housing list.

- Raymond is excited to finally be in an apartment and can start looking for his daughter.

- Darryl is praying that his priority would be Christ.

- Rich is newly homeless and looking for a masonry job.

- Andy is praying to reconnect with his kids.

- Richelle is happy to be in an apartment and is now looking forward to getting her children back living with her. (We were praying for this in August.)

- Tony was new to us and let us pray for him.

- We prayed for Smalls who is 20 and has been homeless since he was 13.

- We sang happy birthday to Moyo who needs to have his eye examined after being hit in the eye by a branch and he needs to have an infected tooth extracted.

- Brad is asking for protection on the streets.

- Danny is doing really well, has a job, working on getting custody of his daughter, and just stopped by to say hi.

- William is also doing well. Two years ago we gave him a tent and other supplies that got him through a hurricane and through the winter. Now he’s in a program living in a rooming house and getting his life back in order.

- Samantha is praying that she doesn’t get evicted and can finish her truck driving certificate to get a job.

- Victor is having gall bladder surgery on Monday.

- Bobby and Andrea were better this week but not sober as we had agreed.

- Sammy was having a rough time in detox but we haven’t heard anything for a few days so we’re praying he’s getting better and that he gets released into a long term program (and not back onto the streets).

It was a really good day of service and we’re thankful for all your contributions and prayers!