Brockton - February 15, 2025
It was a long, cold day serving on the streets in Brockton and we were joined by a team of men from Grace Chapel in Lexington and Wilmington, MA, along with people from Grace Chapel Foxboro, Beacon Covenant Church, Attleboro, and Church of Emmanuel as we served 64 meals of hot soup, along with hot drinks, fresh fruit, home baked goods, and snacks across 5 locations. We had 5 medical professionals on the team, which was a blessing for our friends on the street. Many of our regulars were missing today (did I mention it was cold?) but the love was flowing and prayer was continuous.
We also gave out two Empowerment Plan coats, courtesy of New England Patriots Foundation. Thank you!
Here is today’s prayer list:
- Reginald is praying for fulfilment and a job that gives him a sense of purpose
- Luis is praying for better health
- Lorenzo is praying to have a better walk with Jesus. We prayed with him a long time and he is really struggling against Satan.
- Tanya is praying for well-being for her 5 year-old son with autism
- Kyle (living in a tent) is praying for better health for his girlfriend Brooke, who has the flu, for Kit who is in jail, and for his cats who also seem to be ill.
- Earl needs healing for his frost-bitten feet
- Francisco looked great after his hernia surgery, but still needs to have the swelling on the back of his head diagnosed.
- Tony is praying for peace and safety as he lives under a bridge
- Derrick is living in VA housing and hoping to get a job at Lowes
- Julio prayed with Ernesto, who is just out of jail and has NOTHING. They prayed in Spanish, and whatever they said they were both moved by the Spirit.
- Lucinda is praying for her son Noah who is on life support
- Ricky was so thankful to get an Empowerment Coat
Today’s team was truly phenomenal and we are so thankful when new people trust us to lead them onto the streets of Brockton. It is an experience that is out of the comfort zone for most people. Thank you to all our supporters and contributors!