Jesus on the Streets (3rd Saturday) - February 17, 2024

Saturday was a busy day of serving on the streets of Brockton as we provided 84 meals of Chicken Parmesan and men’s and women’s clothes and toiletries. (It was the 3rd Saturday of the month so we went to more locations with more stuff.) We were also joined by Gracie, a 9 month old Newfoundland puppy who is also a service dog in training, who was a really big hit loving on so many people. We met some really nice police officers who thanked us for our service (and we thanked them for their service) and they let us pray for them.

We found some tent encampments, which breaks our heart, but also points to the lack of affordable housing and shelter for those living on society’s margins. (Some of those we serve are not suffering from addiction, but their jobs don’t pay enough for them to be housed.)

I had a long time of prayer and encouragement with one of our friends who has been wrestling with alcoholism. He’s tried and failed to stay sober twice. I had to remind him that it takes on average 5 tries to overcome alcoholism and genetic factors account for about 50% of the risk of alcoholism (environmental and social factors also play a strong role). It was not helpful that his friend kept trying to contradict my prayers and encouragement. It is so hard for our friends to believe that Jesus wants to (and will) help them turn their lives around.

Here are some of the prayer requests:

  • Alejandro prays to pass his driver’s license test so he can get a job in wastewater treatment (he’s already passed that exam and has a job waiting for him).

  • Susan needs a lot of prayer as she had a seizure and broke her jaw when she fell.

  • Chris is praying for progress in his life and hopes to move to Kingston.

  • Marie has 2 brothers both in need of prayer. Jean Louis has cancer in Georgia and Dieu Seul is handicapped and living in Boston.

  • Rashawn is often withdrawn and he just wanted prayer but then he was so taken by Gracie that he gave us a genuine smile.

  • Anthony is praying to get his life back on track and to have a real job and home again.

  • Alex and his girlfriend are living in a tent in the woods and asked for prayers of protection.

  • Coletta is in a great deal of pain and needs surgery on her knee and her back but she’s a single mom and has no one to watch/help with her children so if she gets the surgery she’s afraid she’ll lose her job and her children. (What an awful situation for a mother to face.)

  • We have 2 friends living outside in wheelchairs and using drugs to numb the pain. This is the world we live in.

Thank you all so much for your continued support. We managed to finish up just as it was turning much colder and starting to snow. We got to retreat to Dunkin’ for a time of wrap-up and prayer as our friends were seeking shelter from the cold and wind. It messes with our head. Father God please protect our friends, Jesus please let them know they are loved and draw them to you, Holy Spirit make the world see the homeless and destitute and open people’s hearts to care them. May God bless you all for your continued interest in the adventures of street ministry.

John Snow