Jesus on the Streets - March 17, 2024

Here is an update from the LYNN Ministries team from The Fellowship that served on Sunday.

Not many souls to serve today, the weather was sunny, temperature was near 60°, yet very few of our friends came to visit. It was a bit strange as this was the first time we’ve experienced a slow day in the city. However what we considered to be a slow day from the point of view of numbers only, e.g. (around 40 of our friends today vs. 90 -100 in past visits), is not in reality a slow day.

We served larger than usual portions of our 14 pans of mac & cheese to hungry appetites. Less people to serve = more time to talk, listen and pray. In addition to our first stop on N. Main St. and then at White Ave. we stopped at 2 other locations, the most difficult being under the bridges. It was here that we met one community that had taken the initiative to clean up the area they were staying in, mostly using their bare hands, they didn’t have brooms or shovels, but a determination to do their part to keep a small part of the city clean. We contributed coffee, snacks, fruit, a meal, encouragement and three large trash bags to assist in their effort. Life under the next bridge was sad to witness, in that God’s creation either by choice or circumstance is forced to live in such harsh extreme conditions. Once again we contributed via offering food and prayer.

Our team ended the day at a local coffee shop to debrief, we shared one on one experiences, insights learned from people who are like us in many ways. Our goal as always is to bring the hope that Jesus offers to anyone who may come.

If there be any one that makes many poor to make a few rich, that suits not a commonwealth….. Abraham Lincoln

Thank you to this awesome team for your service.