Jesus on the Streets - February 18, 2024

Here’s a (very) belated update from Sunday’s LYNN Ministries team from The Fellowship that served in Brockton.

The Fellowship’s LYNN Ministries Team arrived to serve a meal and provide for many people on the street what most of us have in abundance. The Fellowship team serving that day consisted of 7 people, and so many more behind the scenes supporters who cook meals, donate clothing, and pray.

So what did we give that day? The simple answer is a hot meal, articles of clothing, e.g., winter boots, warm coats, hats, gloves, warm winter socks. But then as is always the case we gave what God has taught us to give, that being a listening ear, a meaningful conversation and heart-felt prayers for people with more than physical needs.

During our interactions we often are asked “who are you guys, which church are you from? The answer is “were not from any one church, God has sent us to you because he loves you, the organization that God uses to minister to you is, LYNN Ministries, (Love Your Neighbor Now).

We could write about individual heartbreaking stories as we usually do but this time we’ll leave with this prayer that Deb Snow LYNN Ministries founder sent to us before we went into the city on Sunday February 18, 2024.

“Lord, Jesus, we call on you today to walk with our team as they venture into Brockton, representing You, representing Your love, sharing Your grace and faithfulness with the lowly among us. Father send Your Spirit to pave the way, to open the hearts of those being served to be receptive to the love they feel they don’t deserve. Speak through each team member so those they serve can see the way You value each person’s life; how You cherish them; how You know their potential. Help the team bring You glory in the way they serve You through their hands, feet and words. Lord we celebrate every opportunity to represent You and we pray we do it well, so well that we can witness the changes You alone can bring to the streets of Brockton. We are humbled and honored to be used by You, in all our brokenness. Thank You Jesus for the work you have given us to do and for the lives impacted for your glory alone! In Jesus name we pray! Amen”

Thank you to all of our teams and supporters that strive to serve Jesus so well!

John SnowHomeless, streetministry